Our Programmes


Infants 6 weeks – 1 year

Personalised care for infants based on their individual schedules, nutritional needs and any other special attention they require including age appropriate sensorial activities.


Toddlers 1 year - 2 years

We provide exposure to a variety of colours, textures, sounds, taste and scents that helps stimulate curiosity and support brain development. Our programme focuses on language development, motor-skills and teaches children valuable early practical life exercises.



2 years - 3 + years

Includes hands-on learning for the child to actively engage in indoor & outdoor activities exploring the content areas of literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, arts and technology. Kids learn age-appropriate life skills such as eating by themselves using cutlery, social manners, self-hygiene (brush teeth, wash hands etc.) and cleaning up after themselves. Children are also toilet-trained so that by the time they turn three, they are ready for school.


3+ years – 12 years

This programme is offered to all school going children, Froebelians or otherwise. Our after-schoolers are engaged in:

  • Quran Class
  • Storytelling /Reading Club | Board Games | Sports/ P.E
  • Sketching/ Drawing club | Drama/ Puppetry Club
  • Gardening & Planting
  • Letters & Numbers Fun
  • Construction Club | Homework Club | Movie Club
  • Cooking Club | Crafts Club | Science Club
  • Music & Dance

For further details, please contact us or Visit our Daycare: